Thursday, 20 September 2007

New Signing to the Butler Family

New Signing.jpgI am pleased to report that the Butler family have a new signing as of today!!

Mrs Butler joined the Butler clan at just after 14:45hrs Las Vegas time, today, 19th September 2007!

We had a fantastic time, Jo looked really stunning, everybody was really nice to us and the minister who married us was fantastic and made it feel very special.

For those of you wanting to see the dress pictures - they are coming! Sammy Davis Jnr took our photos - yes our photographer looked like Sammy Davis Jnr, it was not intentional, he just looks like him! They are being developed at the moment and we hope to have them back in about an hour.

Thank-you so much to everybody who has sent us messages via the website, e-mail and text - we have got them all, and we will try and reply over the next few days.

And a special thank-you to Mum and Nik for the champagne, balloons, card and strawberries (covered in chocolate!)

We are now going to go and have a drink, before going out for a meal and to watch Cirque Du Soleil.

The Saints top is Jo's new top, and the 9 is for her birth date - and yes we do know that they drew this evening :-(

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Mr & Mrs Butler. Can't believe that the item of clothing that we all wanted to see was Jo's dress, and all you can manage is one of those RED shirts!!

    Jo you have got to get him trained!! (sorry Simon).

    Mind you, you do look happy...think Simon needs to get in the photo's though...not convinced you've actually married anyone, think you've just sloped off to a cool holiday on your own. Just kidding. Seriously, congratulations, and at least no one can confuse you with that place in Surrey anymore.

