Wednesday, 13 July 2011


On Monday evening i took the long route home via London to attend an event at the Regent Street Apple Store .. yes i know, there had to be an Apple connection somewhere !!

Monday was the start of London Street Photography month, and as part of the opening night, the Apple store hosted and event called London iPhoneographers: Street Photography.  The art of taking pictures with you iPhone has become quite something over the last few years.  The photo website that we use, called FlickR reckons that shortly the amount of photos being uploaded from, and taken with, an iPhone will top all other types of cameras!  That's quite an impressive quote.

 So i went to find out what it was all about and listen to 4 iPhoneographers talk about there art.  And it was really interesting and well attended.

And so, having attended the event and listen to how people take the art, and how the go about capturing some quite impressive pictures, i decided to post the first picture i took after the event, which is below:
And having taken that photo, i found, the next morning, sitting in my inbox another iPhoneograher's picture - can you guess who took this one?  It has been given the title: '2 balloons flying over hennerton am'
 So there you go, the art of iPhoneography!

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