Thursday, 5 May 2011

The Big Breakfast


Many moons ago, well to be precise between 1992 and 1994 there was a TV programme that I got slightly addicted too. Some might say totally addicted too. I was so addicted that I recorded it each morning and then watched it when I got home from work. This was a two hour program that was broadcast on Channel 4 from 7am to 9am each weekday morning. And as well as loving the show I was a big fan of the male presenter, one, Chris Evans.
Well yesterday I went back in time and revisited the location of the Big Breakfast house. Yes, if you had not guessed by now, I am talking about the Big Breakfast, hosted by Gaby Roslin and Christopher Evans!
As well as having an addiction to watching the show, I on three occasions visited the house while they were filming the show live. At the time that meant catching a train from Twyford at 5am and getting the first tube of the day to the east end of London, a twenty minute walk to No 2, Old Fords Lock. The location of the Big Breakfast house.


Well I am happy to say that the house is still there! However you will see from the above picture that the house now has a rather large neighbour that towers behind it. You might not know what it is from this shot but the picture below might give you more of a clue.


It is the Olympic 2012 stadium! However a little more of that later.
As mentioned, the Big Breakfast House is still there and is being well maintained. There is a high security fence with barbed wire around it, and a dog that was lying on the lawn who did not look very welcoming, however the house is intact and possibly lived in now. The swimming pool at the back with a set wall is still there as well.
Having taken lots of pictures i then wandered to see how much more of the stadium i could see and was surprised to find coach trips pulling up to a special area and visiting a special viewing area with a cafe, yes the Olympic wagon is in full motion.  The stadium looked pretty good, and really stood out, although for some strange reason it looked small ?!  Its going to be quite an impressive sight when its all completed, and by the looks of it they are doing pretty well.



The rest of my photos of the day, as ever, can be found on our FlickR account.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Old Fords Lock, London

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