Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Wednesday 18th November 2008

Today is a big day for Poppy!

Today we get her new arm!!!! We are up early and off to St Mary's Hospital for 8.30am!!! The traffic was bad, but we made in just in time!

Emily, the arm fitting lady, puts her little arm on and has a good look and then decides to go and adjust the fitting a little bit and to add on the cuff which will keep the arm on.

We have to put on a little sock, and then wiggle the arm on and then pull up the elastic cuff. All done! Poppy didn't seem too worried about having something put on, and when we gave her a teddy to hold she did with both hands!!!

We are now off to the Health Visitor to get weighed! Watching this space! It has been 3 weeks since last weigh in!

OK, the results are in! It was a near miss, as Poppy was sound asleep and we didn't think we would make the Health Visitors clinic!!!!

Are you ready for this!!!! Poppy now weighs 15lb 8.5oz!!! What a porker!!! However, she is slightly below her line, but she is consistent with this line.

That is a gain of 13.5oz in 3 weeks!!!! record weight gain!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jo
    Looks wonderful.
    Please see for what can be done when Popppy is a little older.
    Many thanks for pictures.
    Dad XXX XXX
