Monday, 17 November 2008

Friday 14th November 2008

Simon has the day off again today.

He looks after Poppy whilst I go into Southampton Hospital to see Trish and little Lewis who is poorly. I spend a couple of hours there, and then have to go to Sainsburys.

I was supposed to go to Ness' to weigh in, but I was running so late, I had to postpone it. However, I did weigh myself this morning, and apparently lost 3.5lb!!!! We will see next week!

I rush off to Sainsbury's and then home to do pancakes for lunch!!!

We are waiting for a table to be delivered today, and have to move the lounge around to fit it in. We rip the lounge apart and clean everything. We also put the dining room table and chairs in the loft to create more space.

Simon pops out for a while, and then when he gets back it is 4pm and still no delivery!

At 4.30pm I phone the contact we have at the company we have bought the table from and ask where it is. He phones the delivery company and phones me back to tell me it has already been delivered and signed for!!!!

I then lose my cool and demand a POD (proof of delivery). The delivery company phone me to tell me there has been a misunderstanding and the driver is 10 mins away!

He arrives at 5pm, in the biggest lorry I have ever seen! He has to reverse the lorry up into the close, and has a pallet truck on board!!! We move the cars and the driver puts the pallet on the drive!

The table is lighter than we think, and we move it into the lounge easily.

Then we eat and go to bed!!!!

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